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Prayer is an opportunity and privilege given to us by God to open our hearts, minds and spirits to Him so that we may grow in our Christian walk and deepen our relationship with Him.

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Bible Study

Bible Study is the opportunity to learn more about God, our relationship with God and how we should apply His Word to our lives. The teaching of the Bible is not for academic knowledge but for our personal growth and to prepare us as Christians in sharing the “truth” with the world.

Sunday School

Sunday School provides the ability to reach, teach and equip people to attain a personal knowledge of the Gospel. It allows individuals to develop a Christian life pleasing to God.

Vacation Bible Study

Vacation Bible School affords the opportunity for children and adults to participate in classes and activities to learn about God. The classes are usually during the summer and last for one to two weeks.

Church Windows


There are myriad ways to fellowship and strengthen your walk with Christ

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Miller Memorial Baptist Church

1518 N. 22nd Street

Philadelphia, PA 19121-3917

215-765-3616 (Main)

215-765-8315 (Fax)

Reverend Damaris Y. Walker, Esq. Pastor

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